Cayuga County Thanks You
We Raised $631,100 for Cayuga County Nonprofits!
Together, We Are Mobilizing the Caring Power of Our Community
Thank you for supporting the United Way of Cayuga County during the 2023-24 Campaign season! On Wednesday, April 3rd you and our neighbors from Moravia, Genoa, Union Springs, Cayuga, Auburn, Weedsport, and Port Byron gathered at the Auburn YMCA-WEIU to celebrate another successful campaign—Thank You for always choosing to “Live United.”
All of us at the United Way of Cayuga County are humbled by your support and generosity. While we did not reach our goal, the 2023-24 Campaign was a tremendous success because the dollars raised are going right back out to our community to support programs and services in the areas of education, health, financial stability, and safety net needs.
Your gifts to the United Way come in a variety of ways from checks, cash, payroll deduction, bequests, foundations, fundraisers, and so much more. In the office we categorize them into two groups—Workplace Campaign giving which includes all of our local employer-based drives and Community Giving which captures everyone else.
This year, 300 gifts came from community members—individuals—our neighbors from ALL 23 towns within Cayuga County as well as the city. Additionally, 56 businesses, civic organizations, and foundations supported the 2023-24 Campaign. This year, your United Way team focused on building stronger relationships with our community at-large through a regional Campaign Chair approach with Joanna Bilinski of Weedsport and Gennie Bartholomew of Port Byron representing County North and Christine Bickal of Union Springs representing County South. While the dollar amount raised is down due to inflation and the economy, the number of individuals and families making a contribution grew by 11% thanks to the efforts of Joanna, Gennie, Christine, and our Campaign Cabinet. To engage with our community, the Campaign Cabinet pulled together four fundraisers that collectively raised more than $5,500.
Our County Central Chairs, Nucor Steel, represented by Auburn Native Amanda Grover and Duane Thomas of Sennett, led the charge among our workplace giving community. Annually, 50% or more of your United Way campaign total comes from workplace giving. Fifty-eight local employers hosted workplace drives to encourage giving among their teams. Workplace Campaigns come in all sizes from our friends at Dermody, Burke, & Brown whose Auburn office has two employees to our friends at Auburn Community Hospital—the largest employer in Cayuga County. Between employee gifts and fundraisers as well as corporate contributions, nearly 1,700 gifts came from workplace campaigns.
“As a former employee in social services, I have seen the direct impact the United Way has supporting vulnerable populations. They’ve done this by providing direct financial supports where needed, and by acting as a convenor to mobilize and solve critical community challenges.”
~Julie Aldrich, Grants & Project Development Specialist at Cayuga Community College
2024 Trailblazer Award Recipient
($5,000 - $9,999)
Janet & Rich Newman +
Kim & Brian Bennett ^
($2,000 - $4,999)
Anonymous (3)
Daniel Cuddy ^
Bob & Kathy Cuthbert +
Gary & Janet Cuthbert +
John & Jacquilyn Dmytrenko -
Thomas E. Ganey -
Allen & Metka Kolm
Mr. & Mrs. Gardner McLean -
Marie Nellenback & Steve Rich +
Katherine & Jonah Simons =
David & Dawn Wayne +
($1,000 - $1,999)
Katie Amar-Fox
Anonymous (7)
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Cannucciari ~
Mark Carr -
Claudia C. Conway =
Sharon L. Detzer +
Edward & Laurie Gallager +
Laura & Peter Georgianna =
Philip Gioia, MD, MPH =
Nathan & Jamie Grant ^
Richard & Susan Gray
Troy & Jodi Green ^
Amanda Grover
Gary Lindstrom
Daniel & Mary Nellenback -
Vincent P. Shaw*
Sophie Cat =
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Tersegno ~
Duane Thomas
Douglas Wayne =
($500 - $999)
Julie Aldrich
Jeffrey Angus ^
Anonymous (27)
Jimbo Slice
Marilyn Baader =
Tamara Bacon -
Matthew A. Benedict ^
Drs. Michael & Karen Brady ^
Marshall P. Britt
Tim & Nicole Carr
Matthew & Susan Chadderdon ^
Theodore R. & Kathleen H. Connors =
Sherrie Cook
Matt Cuddy =
Steven C. Dantonello =
Brad & Holly Davidson *
Matthew DelFavero -
Shane & Kathryn Dennis
Kim & Darrin Emperato ^
Honorable Mark & Jill Fandrich ~
Denise Farrington -
Anthony Franceschelli +
Matthew J. Gebo =
Samuel Giannettino ^
Tish Gibson ^
Joshua Golembeski =
Brendan Goren
Devin Grant
Kelley M. Gridley +
Howard & Jenny Haines ^
Gary Hart -
George & Carolyn Hiza -
Donna Jakaub -
Seth & Renee Jensen ^
Brian & Amanda Jessie -
Paul & Christine Kaiser
Nancy & John Karpinski ~
Carol B. Kenny =
Stephen & Theresa Kline +
Richard & Barbara Knaul -
Susan LaLonde
Michael J. LaVigne ^
Daniel & Claire Lovell =
Keith Lusk
Patricia Messina +
Anne Mosley -
Ellen & Martin Nodzo +
Jennifer Ostrowski -
J.D. Pabis +
Heather Petrus -
Carole Pettigrass =
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Pine ^
Jeffrey Pirozzolo -
David C. Potter
Sarah Riester ^
Monika & Jeff Salvage =
Christopher & Barbara Sawyer ^
Wally & Barbara Schatt ^
Mitchel Scott -
Alan C. Sherburne
Drs. Thomas & Bettina Smallman ^
William & Karen Speck +
Christina Spingler
Julisa J. Stone =
Thomas C. Swartz
John Telvock
Betty J. Thomas -
Danyelle Thomas
John & Joan Thomas -
Marge Tracy, CNM & Bill Tracy ^
Scott Tracy =
Michael & Molly Trapani +
Kelly Wade ^
Grant Wall =
Sierra White
Collin Wilson
Greg Wrona ^
~ History of giving extends beyond digital records
+ 20 or more years of giving
- 15 or more years of giving
^ 10 or more years of giving
= 5 or more years of giving
Baxter International Foundation
Dixon G. & Mary L. Blodgett Charitable Trust
Columbian Foundation
D. E. French Foundation
Emerson Foundation
Everett Trust
Dorothy George Charitable Trust
Isabel T. Goss Fund
Key Bank N.A. & Foundation
John & Kathryn McLane Charitable Trust
Norgaard, Nina Charitable Trust
Stanley W. Metcalf Foundation
Syracuse Crunch Foundation
Adams and Son, Inc. +
Ancient Order of Hibernians =
Aster Financial Group =
Auburn Crane & Rigging, Inc.
Auburn Discount Liquors +
Auburn Foundry Co., Inc. ^
Aversa Agency, Inc.
Bo-Mer Plastics ~
Builders Choice Lumber ^
Callahan Masonry -
Camp Caspar Gregory
Cayuga Lake National Bank ~
Chemung Canal Trust Company ^
Constellation Energy
D & L Truck Stop +
Dryden Mutual Insurance Co. ^
Erie Materials ^
Generations Bank -
Genson Overhead Door, Inc. +
Hammond & Irving ~
Heieck - Pelc Funeral Home, LLC ~
Hoskins Farms ^
Lyons National Bank =
MacKenzie-Childs -
Main & Pinckney Equipment, Inc. ~
Midstate Mutual Insurance ~
Mobile Veterinary Clinic -
Muzzi`s D`italia Ice
Nationwide Mutual Insurance +
Nucor Steel Auburn, Inc. ~
Oakwood Dairy, LLC +
Owen Orchards ^
Pepper`s Associates Group, LLC -
Plis Funeral Home, Inc. ~
Prison City Brewing =
R.G. Wright Agency, Inc.
Savannah Bank N.A. -
Saxton Electric, Inc. =
Spaulding Snow Removal
Stanton Automatics ~
Tessy Plastics Corp. +
The Liberty Store ~
Tompkins Community Bank +
Village Ace Hardware -
Wegmans Food Markets ~
Whiting`s Wallpaper & Paint ^
Willet Dairy, LLC =
Xylem ^
Cayuga County Conservative Party in Honor of David Gould
Cayuga Fire & EMS, Inc. ^
Cultural Italian American Organization (CIAO) =
Polish Falcons Nest 74 ^
Sennett Federated Church =
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Generations Bank
Savannah Bank
Tompkins Community Bank
Nucor Steel
Auburn Crane & Rigging
Cayuga Lake National Bank
Bouley Construction
Susman Law
Harvest Hills Solar Project
Auburn Community Hospital
Pinnacle Investments
W.E. Kilborne Agency
East Hill Medical
Aversa Agency
~ History of giving extends beyond digital records
+ 20 or more years of giving
- 15 or more years of giving
^ 10 or more years of giving
= 5 or more years of giving
William & Margaret Abdallah ^
Justin Abrams
Kristine Ackerman
Maxine Alberici ~
Betsy Alexander
Donna Alfieri
Muriel Allen
Chelsea Alnutt
Heather Amodei =
Janie & Brian Anderson
Michele Anderson =
Michelle Anderson
Shereen Androsko -
Bonny Angus ^
Anonymous (615)
Eileen Applebee =
Nancy Arcaro -
Drew Armbruster
Jeffrey Armour
Casey Arthur
Dawn Aubin =
Nicholas Audioun
Marianne Augello ^
Brenda Aull-Klaben
Melissa E. Aylward ^
Isaiah Babb
Richard J. Babiarz +
Carol Bacher =
Victoria Bachman
Lacey Bailey ^
Karen M. Baity
Veronica Baker
Peter Bakija
Mary Balch ^
Stephanie Bales
Wendy M. Bannister =
Dennis Barandica
Alex Baranska
Carmela M. Barbagallo
James Barned, Jr.
Michael S. Barrigar
Cindy Barrus
William & Nancy Barth -
Bartholomew Family
Brian Battams ^
Teresa Baumes -
Phil Bauso ^
Caleb Bechdel =
Anna L. Becker =
Tiffany & Justin Beebee ^
Melissa Beerman =
Emily Bell
Bryant Bergenstock =
Marianne Berman ^
William E. Berry Jr.
Abigail Bertonica
Stephanie Bertonica
Joanna Bilinski
Stephen & Maureen Bills
Erica Bizzari
Michael J. Bizzari =
Laurie Blackshear
Francis O. Blackwell, III =
Thomas & Bonny Blair ^
Nicole Blay
Wendy Blaylock
Christopher Blessing
Kristin Blowers
Tonja Blume =
Judy Boedicker ~
Bonnie Bolak =
Todd Borsa
Markie Bouck ^
Andrew Bouma
David & Beth Bowman -
Scott Bradley
Michelle Breault ^
James Breslin
Lester Brew ^
Wendy Brinkerhoff -
Alexis L. Brothers
Diane M. Brown =
Kelly M. Brown
Maria Brown
Marian Brown ^
Carol J. Bryant
Elaine & Dale Buchberger =
Mary Buchmann ^
Kelly Buck ^
Tina Bunnell =
Linda A. Burdick
Leslie Burke
Kay Burkett
James Burlingame ^
James M. Burns =
Maureen Burns -
Julie Rose Elizabeth Butler =
Trudy Buxenbaum -
Jobany Calderon
Annette Calhoun =
Robert Calimeri +
Lori Campanelli
Sharon Campanelli -
Amy Capone ^
Kristy Capone =
Christine Carnicelli ^
Linda M. Carr -
Tamara Carroll
Rebecca Carson
Andrew Cartwright =
Kathe Catto
Megan Chapman =
Marcus Chappell =
Amy & Norman Chirco
Stephanie & Robert Church ^
Alleyne Clark
Donald J. Clark +
John Clark -
Ann M. Coapman =
Patrick & Kathie Collier =
Mark Collins =
Melanie E. Conklin
Nancy L. Connors -
Phyllis Conte =
Natasha Coon
David Corey ^
Travis Cos
Kyle Costello -
Lindsey Costello
Sara Cox
Braedon Cramer
Tessa Crawford
Donna Crowe =
Dave Cuddeback
Dorothea Cuddy -
Alyssa Cuer
Miguelina Cuevas - Post ^
Sarah Cupelli
Angela Daddabbo
Diana Daeffler ^
Ali Dahl
Cheyenne Daniels
Janessa Daniels
Lisa Dates ^
Bridgette Dautrich =
Polly Lyn Davies =
Tina Davis
Gordon DeBower ^
Jeffrey Dechick =
Billi Jo Decker =
Candace Decker =
Michelle Decker =
David DeFrancis
Tina DeJohn
Paul DelPiano +
Debra Minturn Delaney =
Regina Delaney
Ellen Dello Stritto +
Stephen DeLuca -
Debbie Dennis
Sara Desanto
Susan L. Detzer +
Scott Deyo -
Carol Ann DiFabio =
Rebecca DiFabion ^
Richard & Mary DiSanto
Melinda Doan -
Lawrence Doerr
Crystal Dohn
William L. Dorr -
Elizabeth Dowden
Kyle Duck
Henry Dul
Shannon Dunbar =
Jay Duncan
Claire Dunlap
Harlan Dunn
Kimberly Dunn =
Milan M. Durgala ~
Patrick Dyer
Joann Dyson
Kaleb Eckart
Stacy Eckart
Heath Edgbert =
Carey Eidel =
Thomas Eldred +
Chad Elkovitch -
David Emerson
Terra Esposito ^
Lisa A. Ettinger
Michael T. Evans ^
Elizabeth Fennessy
Mitchell Feocco
Susan Fiduccia
Mary Ann T. Finn +
Lorie Fischer ^
William Fletcher
Kelley L. Flick
Karen Foos ^
Hannah Foster
Colleen Frank
Stuart Freezman =
Brian Frigon ^
Amy Fuller -
Ryan & Lexi Gabak ^
Terri Fox Gadsby
Edward & Marybeth Galka ^
Laurie Gamba ^
Kevin Gantt
Darlene Garr ^
Ronald & Agnes Gasparro -
Laura Gatewood =
Kathleen Gemmell ^
Roy & Roxanne Genson +
Frank Gerace ^
Carmela A. Germano -
Patricia Germano
Anthony G. Giacolone ^
Mike Giancarelli =
James Giannettino, Jr. +
Mary Giannone =
Jacqualine Gleason =
Jamie Golembeski =
Bill & Renee Granato
Madison Graves
Joseph A. Graziano =
Myliesha Greene
Victoria Groom
Sandi L. Grover =
Roger & Georgie Gunn =
Terry Haberek =
Rebecca L. Haff ^
William Halcomb
Tabitha Hamilton
Jim & Fran Hanley -
Scott Harden ^
Jack Hardy
Jennifer Hares =
Madison Hares-Ryan
Teneka Harmon ^
Trevor Harmon ^
Patricia Hartwell ^
The Hefferon Family
Myla Herndon =
Bridget Herrick
Jeffrey Herrick =
Joshua Herrick
Alexa Hicks
Duane Hill Jr.
John Hill ^
Ronald J. Hill, Jr. =
Lee & Shirley Hill ^
Brian & Gloria Hinderliter
DeAnna Hine
Emily Hitchcock =
Thomas & Linda Hitchcock +
Anna Hlywa ^
Carol Hlywa ^
Joseph Hockey
James Hodges
Beverly Holmes ^
Kenneth C. Holmes =
Jackelen V. Hopkins =
Nicholas Hopkins
Lesley Horner =
Stacy Hoskins ^
Erik Howard
Sherri Huey
Elisa Carabajal Hunt -
Melissa Hunt
Pearl B. Hunter -
Kathryn Hutchings
Jim & Janie Hutchinson -
Marlin Hutton -
A M Hyatt
Lisa Iannelli
Susan Inagaki
Jennifer Indelicato ^
Dr. Chakrapani Irri & Dr. Alina Krishnan -
John & Joyce Janowski ^
Aileen R. Jasniewski =
Jason Jayne =
Annette Jensen
Jason Jewsbury -
Paulette Johnson =
Loriane Johnson-Hunt
Gertrude Jordan ~
Judy Jordan
Mindy L. Jordan =
James M Keating =
Ginny Kent -
Tim Kent ^
Martin Keough & Marianne Mendzef -
Fred & Tricia Kerr =
Jean & George Kerstetter +
Stephen Kimball
Charles Kincaid
Ormonde & Helen King
Victoria Kinney ^
Hunter Kline
Rose Kline =
Stephen Kline
Barbara Knolls
Joyce Kowaney =
David J. Kowatch =
Charles & Sandra W. Kreplin -
Kristina M. Kruttschnitt
John Kulas ^
Ryan P. Kustyn
Charles ' Zinc' Ladouce
Dennis L. Laird ^
Gary LaLonde +
Barbara Lamphere +
Molly Lanphere =
Gregory Large ^
Don & Joanne Lawler +
Barbara Lawrence =
Jennifer Lawson
Denise L. Lawton =
Jennifer R. Lazore
Melissa Leader
Katherine LeBlanc
Patricia LeBlanc
Heather Lee ^
Zenia Lee ^
Mary Beth Leeson ^
Christopher LeFever ^
Justin Leone =
TJ & Stephanie Leone ^
Judy & Lynn Lepak -
Lisa R. Leubner ^
Gregory Levengood
Paul Levesque
Gary & Patricia Lewis =
Jennifer Leyburn ^
Lianne A. Liberatore -
Jesse Lindahl
Phyllis & Thomas Lisano ^
Barbara Littlejohn -
Jeanie Lober
Joanna LoBisco-Mancuso ^
Tim & Colleen Locastro +
Tony & Barbara Locastro -
Raymond & Karen Lockwood -
Laurie Logue
Christine & William Long +
Cindy Losey
Gilbert & Elaine Lovell +
Patricia A. Lovell =
Michelle Lowe ^
Dakota Lupien
William Lupien -
Jim Lusk
Jeanette Lutkins ^
Janeen Lynn -
Jennifer Lynn =
Elisabeth K. MacCormick ~
Suzanne MacDavitt -
Brian Machold
Karen A. Macier ^
Edwin Mack Jr. =
Anna Magee ^
Kevin & Terry Mahoney =
Amy Mahunik =
Michelle A. Major
Saharrah Maloney
Michael Mancini -
Patrice Mancini
Kelsey R. Marquart =
Mackensey Martens
Keith Martin -
Gary & Theresa Mason ^
Murad Matthews
Tammy Matthews -
Ellen M. May ^
David & Karyn Mazzeo ^
Gerard McAuliffe
Kelly A. McCall -
Paul McGrath ^
Nicole McKela
Michael & Diane McKeon ^
Colleen McLaughlin -
Jason McNeil
Genevieve H. McQueeney =
Bill Mekeel ^
Jodi MeKeell
Sheila & Tom Mentley =
Jim & Karen Michaels
Craig Mietz
Kathleen Mietz -
April Miles
Colleen Miles =
Callie Miller
Carl & Sharon Miller -
Harold & Janet Miller +
Stephen Miller =
Thea Miller
Donna Montross ^
Linda Moran ^
Amanda Morgan
Brian & Jennie Morgan ^
Olivia Morgan
Susan Moulton-Smith =
Felix & Mary Ann Mucedola -
Jolynn Mulholland
Peter & Barbara Mulvey -
Demetrius Murphy ^
Vickie Murphy =
Joyce Murray ^
Kerri Musso =
John Mustico
Tracy Myers ^
Leanna Nares
Claudia & Bruce Natale ^
Kathleen Nedza
Howard & Stephanie Nelson
Karen M. Netti =
Lorraine Newcomb ^
Megan Nightengale
Jenna Nila
Mary Nila
Louis Nocilly +
Evelyn Noden +
Dr. Edward J. Nolan ~
Timothy D. Nolan
Susan Nowak ^
Timothy L. O`Brien ^
Johanna O`Connor =
Ashley O`Dell
Kathleen Oliver
James & Julie Orman ^
Kyle Orr
Elinor W. Osterhoudt ~
Susan L. Overstrom
Jane Owen -
Jeanette Owens
Margaret Owren
Nina Paczkowski
David & Ann Padlick =
Bob Padula
Joanne Paleczny
Scott & Cari Parkman =
The Parry Family ^
Tom & Ann Payne ^
Kim Pearson
Stu Peenstra & Family
Anna Pelak +
Ann Penird
Nancy Pennypacker =
Tammy Perkins -
Tyler Perkins ^
Patty Petrosino =
Diane Pettinger
Michael Picciano ^
Missy Picciano
Cindy Pine -
MaryClaire & Mark Pineau ^
Kristin Piscitelli =
Penny Pitman -
Eleanor Pittroff ~
Kenneth Pollard +
Travis Poole =
Megan Popkess
Lexi Porter
Cassandra Porter
Luke Powers
Monica Powers =
David Prieto ^
Nicole & Nick Procino -
William Prosser ^
Travis Proulx
Michael Puebla
Deborah Purcell
Teresa Querns ^
Mellissa L. Quick -
Victoria Quimby -
Beth A. Rabuano =
Ruth Radcliffe
Michelle Raymond =
Shelley Reeland
Diane Reinhardt
Rachel Reis
Elizabeth Renzetti
Sally Reutlinger =
Kim Reynics & Family =
Scott T. Reynolds
Karlie Richardson ^
Lisa Rivers
Michele Rivoli
Steve Roesch
Grey Rolland =
Rosemarie S. Romano =
Cynthia Rooker
Christopher Rosekrans ^
Edward & Louise Rossman
Caroline Rouen Dixon =
Christina Rowley
Cathy Rudick ^
Virginia Rudnick =
Gregory & Rebecca Rury ^
Stephen Rusin
Jacob Russell
Martha Russell
Jennifer Sabatino =
Mark Sabine ^
Debra Sajewich
Brenda Salico
Jim & Beth Salvage ^
Angelina Sanzotta
Sarah Sayles
Mathew Sayre =
Denise Schafer
Mr. & Mrs. George Schaffer ~
Brian Schenck ^
Christina Schiener ^
Emily Schiener
R. Lee Schooley III =
Christie A. Schwab =
John & Kathleen Scollan
Amy Seamans =
Bruce Seamans =
Jamie & Brandon Sears ^
Nancy Sheehe ^
Andy & Sandy Sheridan =
Christina Sherman
Edward Sherman ^
Elizabeth Simmons
Jason & Emily Simmons-Herrling
Michael Simons
Angela Skellington
Mary M. Skerrett-Snyder
Laurie Skutt
Donella Smith ^
Erica Smith
Leonard & Nancy Smith ^
Nicholas Smith
Rich Smith ^
Tammie Smith ^
Tina Smith =
Yasmeen Smith
Shawn Solomon =
Christopher Sorendo =
Ian Spitzer ^
Barb Sroka-Cushing & Dan Cushing ^
Aletha Staniec
Rebecca Staring
Sara Stark =
Jennifer Stephens =
odd Stephens
Jonathan Stevens
Madison Stevens
Nicole Stewart
Ruth Stewart ^
Robert Stoneburg ^
Akira Strong
Amy Sweeney
Charles L. Swenson =
Lisa Szewczyk
Brenda L. Talty
Dr. Michael J. Tamul ~
Dean & Judy Tanner +
Jerry Taylor +
Kayla Thomas
Robert C. Thurston Jr.
Richard & Maureen Timian -
Rick & Beth Toepp -
Mark Towers ^
Debra Townsend ^
Amanda Troy
Melinda Trufant
Jonathan Turner
Andrew Urbanek
Julia Usher =
James Van Arsdale =
Meg & David Vanek ^
Mary Vanelli
Suzanne VanEpps ^
Michele VanGiesen ^
Lynn Varley
Larry Vatter -
Nancy L. Ventura =
Jay Verburg =
David & Elizabeth Verdi ^
Angela Viccaro
Haley Vitale
Ann M. Vogan
Carla & Kim Vorreuter =
Justin Waddington
Brandon Wakeham ^
Anne M. Wallace
Amy Wallner ^
Renee Ward
Sylvia Wasserman ~
Amy Weaver =
Mary Beth Weaver -
Hope Wejko
Sabrina Wellington
Jim & Maggie Wells +
Carlton & Shirley West +
Ms. Heather E. Westlake -
George Wethey ^
Ruth Wethey +
Irene White-Varga
Thomas W. Wight ^
Bryanna Wilbur
Cherrie Wilczek =
Stacy Wilder
Bessie Williams ^
Dasiana Williams
Linda Williams =
Linda Williams =
Renee Williams
John Wilmot
Alec Wilson
Timothy Winderl
Constance Winkler
Allison Winters
Christopher Wood =
Robbie Woodcock ^
Elizabeth Wride ^
Michele Wunderlich ^
Terri L. York =
Sumner Youngs
Kyle Yunger
William Zenyuk
Rhonda Zettlemoyer
Emily Zieba
Andrew Zilnik
Diane S. Zobro
Article, written by United Way of Cayuga County staff, originally appeared in newsletter distributed on April 18, 2024
Donor list and page compiled | Tuesday, May 7, 2024