with United Way Resources
Crisis, hunger, and poverty can affect anyone, at any time. Connecting people in need with local resources is a critical part of our mission. Whether you are in crisis, or need a little support, we’re here to help.
This free, local service is available from any phone.
24-7 / 365 Days a Year / Confidential / All Languages
Dial 211 or 1-877-356-9211
Text 898-211
In 2020 almost 2,500 Cayuga County residents utilized 211 to find resources. You can quickly find services by visiting the 211 website and chatting live, calling, or texting with their highly train information and referral specialists.
Find Help: Visit the 2-1-1 Website -->
Have your organization or business listed on 211 or update your contact information by emailing: 211fingerlakes@goodwillfingerlakes.org
FamilyWize is now SingleCare. SingleCare negotiates with pharmacies across the nation to ensure that prescription medications are available to anyone at the lowest prices possible. SingleCare and FamilyWize cards do not expire. To receive cards, please contact Julisa Stone at 315.253.9741 or email jstone@unitedwayofcayugacounty.org.
Free tax preparation provided by IRS Certified volunteers to those with low to moderate incomes.
Tax Season has arrived and CA$H is open by Appointment Only!
To schedule your appointment call the number below and leave your contact information. An IRS certified volunteer will return your call within two (2) weeks to set up your appointment.
Thank you to our IRS Certified volunteers who processed more than 200 returns and thank you to Cayuga Community College for hosting this program again this year!
An online, free tax preparation services for individuals and families filing a simple return. Last year, some 500 Cayuga County residents save the cost of filing their return and brought back $500,000 to our community.
Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed — in Cayuga County 21% of our community works, often more than one job and cannot make ends meet. ALICE is a study that is changing the conversation about what it means to survive.
United Way of Cayuga County is the administrator for the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) for Cayuga County. In 2020 Cayuga County received $31,618 which was distributed among 9 local nonprofit agencies. EFSP was appropriated supplemental funds under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and our community received an additional $45,078 that was distributed among 10 local nonprofit agencies.
See the attached Cayuga County COVID-19 Community Task Force interim report.