
SCAT Van and BTW


All applicants are required to have or create an account to complete and submit your application.  Keep your user name and password handy so that you can "save a draft" and return to complete your submission (note: you must click 'save draft' at the bottom of the page in order to save; the form will not 'auto-save').  Also this user name and password will continue to be used for agency reporting and future applications.

  • LOGIN HERE (If you already have a user name and password)
  • CREATE AN ACCOUNT (New users only - an email will be sent to you)
  • RESET YOUR PASSWORD (if your email has been used previously, you can reset your password.
  • LOGOUT (Be sure to log out once you have saved your draft or submitted your application)

Incomplete or draft applications will not be accepted.  Do not leave any blanks; enter N/A if not applicable.

Applications are due by 11:59 pm on Friday, February 21st, 2025

Applications will be accepted from December 13th, 2024 - February 21st, 2025

The United Way of Cayuga County (UWCC) believes that when individuals and families have access to what they need, an entire community will thrive. When partnering with agencies in the community with like-minded ideals, UWCC looks to support opportunity and impact in the areas of Youth Opportunity, Financial Security, Healthy Communities, and Community Resiliency, as we see these areas as essential for a healthy, productive, and fulfilling life.

Successful applications will directly address:

Youth Opportunity: Programs that ensure children and youth—from birth to age 21—enter school ready, are successful in primary school, graduate secondary school, and go on to gain knowledge, skills, and credentials to obtain household-sustaining employment. 

Financial Security: Programs that ensure individuals can gain jobs, effectively manage resources, and sustain their families. Programs address gaps in access, opportunities, and quality so that all individuals and families, regardless of their background, can receive the necessary tools and opportunities to increase income, build wealth, and improve financial stability.

Healthy Communities: Programs that ensure individuals and families can improve their health and well-being through basic needs support, safe housing opportunities, and thriving social and emotional connection.   

Community Resiliency: Programs that ensure individuals and communities have access to disaster relief and recovery, emergency preparedness, crisis hotline and support, and environmental stewardship and sustainability. 

A committee of experienced volunteers from the community make funding decisions based on community priorities, ongoing research, local knowledge, available funding, and the following criteria and guidelines:

  1. Applicants programming request aligns with the abovementioned United Way focus areas
  2. Program(s) address policy, systems, or individual change
  3. Program(s) engage and mobilize the community
  4. Program(s) address need(s) in the community
  5. Program(s) address underlying causes of social issues
  6. Program(s) demonstrate measurable impact
  7. Organization or initiative(s) exhibit excellence in performance, partnerships, and leadership
  8. Organization or initiative(s) exhibit strong governance

The United Way of Cayuga County does not fund:

  1. Non-registered charities
  2. For-profit organizations
  3. Political parties
  4. Religious activities
  5. Capital expenses
  6. Individuals
  7. Deficit funding

Member Agency Details


The United Way of Cayuga County nonprofit Member Agencies must meet a set of eligibility criteria annually. This provides assurance to our donors, sponsors, and supporters that our member organizations meet the highest standards of financial stewardship, and program success. All United Way of Cayuga County Member Agencies are located in Cayuga County OR are headquartered elsewhere but serve Cayuga County residents and are a 501c(3) nonprofit organization. United Way of Cayuga County funding must serve residents or program participants within Cayuga County lines.

Funding Term

  • The 2025-27 application process opens December 13th and closes on Friday, February 21st.
  • Fund Review panels review applications and meet with agency leadership from March 3rd – April 4th,  with funding determinations confirmed at the April 23rd United Way Board of Directors meeting.
  • This funding application is for monthly allocations starting July 1st, 2025 – June 30th, 2027.

Partner Benefits

As a nonprofit partner of the United Way of Cayuga County, you have resources for outreach and promotion, learning opportunities to help you support your mission, grow partnerships and networks, and increase community outreach.

The following documents MUST accompany this application.  Your application is not complete until all requested information is received.  (During the course of a review, questions may arise which could necessitate a request for additional and/or clarifying documentation.  These requests, while rare, will be handled directly with the organization applying for funds.)

1.         Most recent Board Roster, and/or Committee(s) Roster

2.         Your agency’s most recent Mission and Vision Statement

3.         A copy of the agency’s most recent audited financial statements, OR, most recent financial review.